Sistema Dos Ojos - Visit the crystal clear waters in Yucatán
Visit the crystal clear waters in Yucatán
Mexico is rightly famous for its cenotes. These natural sinkholes were created thousands of years ago when limestone bedrock collapsed, leaving a pool of lovely, clear water behind. They’re a magnet for cave divers from around the world and visitors who just want to spend a day sitting next to a little piece of aqua-marine paradise.
The Yucatán peninsula alone has over 6,000 cenotes and most people will tell you that the best is Sistema Dos Ojos.
Two eyes
Dos Ojos means ‘Two Eyes’ in Spanish as there is actually a pair of sinkholes on the site connected by a 400 meter long passageway. It’s also the deepest known underwater cave passage stretching down to 118 metres in depth. No matter how low you go, the water remains, clear and perfect for exploring this 7,000 year old marvel.
You’ll find Dos Ojos 3km from Highway 307, 50 km south of Playa del Carmen. If you’re staying at our Club Med in the Yucatán peninsula then there’s no excuse not to visit. We organise regular trips so getting there and back is simple.
Expect perfect snorkelling conditions when you get there. The water pretty much stays at 24-25 C all year round meaning you’ll want to stay underwater for a while. For those who don’t fancy a dive, lying around the edge of Dos Ojos is still a glorious experience as you take in the stunning stalactites and stalagmites that surround the pools.
A warm welcome
Cenote Dos Ojos is very visitor friendly. The entrance fee is around $14 but once there you’ll find an information centre, bathroom facilities and a place to hire snorkelling gear. Free life jacket hire comes with the ticket price. Massages are also available on site for those who want to add to their relaxing experience. But we’d recommend bringing a picnic with no restaurant on site.
The divers will want to explore the famous deep passages of Dos Ojos including the Wakulla Room, the Beyond Main Base (BMB) passage and Jill's room which have appeared in many documentaries and films including the 2005 Hollywood movie ‘The Cave’. There are guided dives available that usually last around 45 minutes and allow you to see the main sights.
You won’t be alone down there, particularly in the ominous sounding ‘bat cave’. But don’t worry too much as much of the fish are the size of your hand and the closest you’ll get to a monster of the deep is the two types of freshwater shrimp that have made Dos Ojos their home.
Hold your breath
It’s also interesting to note that Dos Ojos is the site of the world freediving record. In 2010 Carlos Coste managed to swim for 150m underwater without taking a breath. However, the main thing that will take your breath away is the beauty of the site.
Expect crowds as this is the most famous cenote in the world and on the bucket list of many people. Turning up early might be a good idea if you want the water to yourself, but even at busy times, you’ll appreciate the peace and joy that can come from diving into warm, crystal clear waters. Early morning is particularly good as the direct light makes the water even bluer and the effect is stunning.
Whenever you go and whatever you do there, Dos Ojos really is a crowd pleaser. If you’re in Mexico , grab your diving gear and go for a dip.
Chapter 1 - Paragraph 1
Chapter 1 - Paragraph 1 - Lorem ipsum Homepage dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut semper consectetur felis, ac suscipit arcu luctus posuere. Vestibulum faucibus mauris quis ante eleifend ultricies. In non rutrum ante. Praesent porttitor eleifend scelerisque. Sed eleifend sollicitudin elit, at feugiat tortor placerat luctus. Mauris sed molestie nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed a vulputate neque, sed ultricies nisl. Phasellus vestibulum a elit eget hendrerit. Fusce mauris nisi, pellentesque et sagittis eget, interdum quis tortor.
Phasellus tristique quam ac justo luctus vestibulum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam tellus leo, vehicula at dui at, efficitur semper est. Nulla eu lectus felis. Vestibulum hendrerit nisl lectus, id mattis mauris pharetra eu. Donec varius enim quis massa tempus auctor. Cras euismod tincidunt tortor at consequat. Mauris ac pretium augue, ut viverra odio. Integer mattis eros ut orci accumsan volutpat. Curabitur varius leo ac odio facilisis, non convallis justo dictum. Quisque pulvinar ipsum sed lacus mollis accumsan. Cras mollis fermentum sem, et dignissim diam feugiat id. Ut urna diam, auctor eget porta malesuada, aliquet nec tellus. Etiam feugiat arcu lacus. Nam feugiat posuere mauris non dictum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Chapter 1 - Paragraph 2
Chapter 1 - Paragraph 2 - Lorem ipsum Homepage dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut semper consectetur felis, ac suscipit arcu luctus posuere. Vestibulum faucibus mauris quis ante eleifend ultricies. In non rutrum ante. Praesent porttitor eleifend scelerisque. Sed eleifend sollicitudin elit, at feugiat tortor placerat luctus. Mauris sed molestie nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed a vulputate neque, sed ultricies nisl. Phasellus vestibulum a elit eget hendrerit. Fusce mauris nisi, pellentesque et sagittis eget, interdum quis tortor.
Phasellus tristique quam ac justo luctus vestibulum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam tellus leo, vehicula at dui at, efficitur semper est. Nulla eu lectus felis. Vestibulum hendrerit nisl lectus, id mattis mauris pharetra eu. Donec varius enim quis massa tempus auctor. Cras euismod tincidunt tortor at consequat. Mauris ac pretium augue, ut viverra odio. Integer mattis eros ut orci accumsan volutpat. Curabitur varius leo ac odio facilisis, non convallis justo dictum. Quisque pulvinar ipsum sed lacus mollis accumsan. Cras mollis fermentum sem, et dignissim diam feugiat id. Ut urna diam, auctor eget porta malesuada, aliquet nec tellus. Etiam feugiat arcu lacus. Nam feugiat posuere mauris non dictum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Chapter 1 - Paragraph 3
Chapter 1 - Paragraph 3 - Lorem ipsum Homepage dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut semper consectetur felis, ac suscipit arcu luctus posuere. Vestibulum faucibus mauris quis ante eleifend ultricies. In non rutrum ante. Praesent porttitor eleifend scelerisque. Sed eleifend sollicitudin elit, at feugiat tortor placerat luctus. Mauris sed molestie nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed a vulputate neque, sed ultricies nisl. Phasellus vestibulum a elit eget hendrerit. Fusce mauris nisi, pellentesque et sagittis eget, interdum quis tortor.
Phasellus tristique quam ac justo luctus vestibulum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam tellus leo, vehicula at dui at, efficitur semper est. Nulla eu lectus felis. Vestibulum hendrerit nisl lectus, id mattis mauris pharetra eu. Donec varius enim quis massa tempus auctor. Cras euismod tincidunt tortor at consequat. Mauris ac pretium augue, ut viverra odio. Integer mattis eros ut orci accumsan volutpat. Curabitur varius leo ac odio facilisis, non convallis justo dictum. Quisque pulvinar ipsum sed lacus mollis accumsan. Cras mollis fermentum sem, et dignissim diam feugiat id. Ut urna diam, auctor eget porta malesuada, aliquet nec tellus. Etiam feugiat arcu lacus. Nam feugiat posuere mauris non dictum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.